Sunday 24 March 2024

Snapshots #336: A 1960s Year By Year Top Ten

I missed out on the 1960s by just two years. Sometimes I wish I'd been there for the fun.

All I have to console me are songs about the 60s... here are ten, in chronological order...

10. Florentine explorer.

That would be Amerigo Vespucci, the man who gave his name to a continent...

America - 1960

9. Bentos.

George's favourite pie - Fray Bentos!

The Fray - 1961

8. Super, Green, Whispering... must go on.

Supergrass, Green Grass, Whispering Grass... The Show Must Go On.

Grass Show - 1962

7. Hitler's plan for Europe.


New Order - 1963

6. Found confused in the naked aisle.

"Naked aisle" was an anagram.

Neil Sedaka - The Queen Of 1964

5. Big Hearted Fish.

Heart sang a song about a big fish...

The Barracudas - (I Wish It Could Be) 1965 Again

4. Jamie Dodger

Jamie Dodger follows in the fine tradition of Gary Baldy and Peter Cookie...

Half Man Half Biscuit - 1966 And All That

3. French writers.

The French for author is auteur...

The Auteurs - 1967

2. In a tizzy, Joe canoodles Vader. 

"Joe canoodles Vader" was another anagram...

Alejandro Escovedo - 1968

Maybe I should have gone with the original, by Chris Gaffney... but I figured you'd have more chance of identifying Alejandro. (I know I would!)

1. Howard, Howard and Fine.

Larry Fine, Curly Howard and Moe Howard were the Three Stooges.

The Stooges - 1969

Back to the present day with more Snapshots next Saturday.

1 comment:

  1. Thank you Mr Rol, especially for the excellent Fray Bentos clue
