Sunday 12 May 2024

Snapshots #343: A Top Ten Songs With French Titles

French actress Catherine Deneuve welcomes you to ten songs with French titles. She will provide the translations, since I gave up French in the Third Year...

10. Lucky x 4.

She should be so lucky. Lucky, lucky, lucky.

"I do not know why" Kylie was always so lucky.

9. Puppy Love for Shakespearean wife.

Donny Osmond sang Puppy Love. Shakespeare's wife was Anne Hathaway.

"I love you," Donny.

8. Big end.

That would be one Mega Death.

"To everybody", from Megadeth.

7. One quarter committed. 

A quarter is 25%. If you're committed, you are sectioned.

Section 25 - Je Veux Ton Amour

"I want your love", but not your money, honey.

6. I'd like a picture of the Empire State Building on my T-shirt, please.

Can you do me a Manhattan transfer?

"Love Song..." a ratty tatty tat.

5. Mr. Rigby. 

Amy Rigby is his better half.

Did you "Recognise, honey...?" 

4. Psychics look for the answer within.


Not much to translate there... "the freak".

3. Gav - accept Elmo, then we can undo this puzzle.

"Gav - accept Elmo" was an anagram...

Google translate tells me that the translation of that whole phrase is "preppy"... or "good style, good gender", one word at a time.

2. Look at me, I'm on half a Hawaiian beach. 

Look at me, I'm Sandra Dee, from Waikiki...

Were you "in love" with Kiki?

1. Good looking bloke with hazel peepers.

He's a brown-eyed, handsome man... with very recognisable feet.

"That's life"... it goes to show, you never can tell.

Chuck Berry - C'est La Vie

Les instantanés seront de retour Samedi prochain...