Sunday 9 June 2024

Snapshots #347: A Top Ten Tree Tunes

Ten tunes named after different types of trees. Did any remain a mys-tree?

10. French Maid caught in defensive dealings.

Joan was the Maid of Orleans. I'm unsure as to whether she ever traded her armour.

Joan Armatrading - Willow

9. Marconi holds it up, like Rod.

Marconi made the radio. Rod Argent told you to Hold Your Head Up.

Radiohead - Fake Plastic Trees

8. To the point, in an apple meadow.

To be frank, he's in an i-field.

Frank Ifield - Angry At The Big Oak Tree

7. They're so blue.

If you'd asked me before I wrote this clue, I'd have said indigo was more purple than blue. Iffypedia tells me otherwise...

Indigo Girls - Cedar Tree

6. Heard on the Kid Jenson Show, and found in Dalek Management Journals. 

Heard on the Kid Jenson Show, and found in Dalek Management Journals. 

Jens Lekman - Maple Leaves

Or you could have...

Jens Lekman - The Cherry Trees Are Still In Blossom

5. Wish You Were Here, on the Wear?

Judith Chalmers presented Wish You Were Here? I'm not sure if she ever got to Durham...

Judith Durham - Olive Tree

4. He does everything he can.

That's a line from the song he was named after...

Dr. Robert - Sycamore Tree

3. Royalty for fences, now banned in the UK.

I only just discovered that creosote had been banned. Another icon of my youth banished. What next, asbestos?

King Creosote - I'm Up A Plum Tree 

2. Junior nags.

Foals are young horses. But you knew that.

Foals - Birch Tree

1. Discovered in Indiana, and within the Crossroads Motel. 

Indiana, and within the Crossroads Motel. 

Diana Ross - Theme From Mahogany (Do You Know Where You're Going To?)

There were plenty more I could have gone with, some of which were a bit too obvious for you clever clogs...

Tony Orlando & Dawn - Tie A Yellow Ribbon Round The Old Oak Tree

Glenn Miller - Don't Sit Under The Apple Tree

Fools Garden - Lemon Tree

The Black Crowes - Cypress Tree

Nick Cave - Lime Tree Arbour

Van Morrison - Redwood Tree

More Snapshots next Saturday.


  1. Thanks as always Rol, you help keep us going. I set my alarm just for this every Saturday!

    1. Aha, that’s the key, C! I’m woken by the cat wanted to be fed/go out/both, which is proving to be somewhat unreliable in terms of getting up in time for Saturday Snapshots.
