Thursday 6 June 2024

Title Fight #12: Who'll Babysit The Goths?

Welcome back to another random selection of outstanding song titles, introduced this week by Toyah Wilcox and her long-suffering hubby, Robert Fripp, with their mad version of this old boxing song...

Toyah & Robert Fripp - Eye Of The Tiger 

None of Toyah's song titles really leapt out at me as deserving inclusion in the Title Fight, but her debut album (or her band's debut album, since Toyah was the name of the band too) was called Sheep Farming In Barnet, which would definitely get a nomination. I've not scoured the entire borough, but I'm pretty sure there aren't any sheep farms in Barnet. And I doubt there were any in 1979 either. Maybe it was a riddle...

Toyah - Victims Of The Riddle

That's the cover of Toyah's debut single above. It featured a photograph of one of the mummies of Guanajuato in Mexico holding a sign saying "Is there a heaven? Is there a hell? Do both exist? Who can tell?" This was apparently enough to cause some controversy in 1979. I'd like to say that people were more easily upset back then, but clearly that would be bullshit. They were just upset by different things.

In a tenuous DJ link, I could point out that Toyah's fourth album, 1982's The Changeling, was seen as a move into Goth territory. Which gives me an excuse to play this...

The Crapsons - Who'll Babysit The Goths?

There’s a general election on a WhatsApp group
The Tabloids are lined with unreliable scoops
You’ve got to go the gym, start giving a damn
Stop posting quotes on Instagram
Just put your feet up, it’s time to relax
Completely abolish council tax
The Tory party are one hell of a Farce
You can stick your Brexit right up your arse

(Blogger is currently not allowing me to add coloured type. It's very distressing not to quote lyrics in blue as I normally do.)

The Crapsons are from Birkenhead. They claim that the late Dean Sullivan (Jimmy Corkhill from Brookside) "fell in a bush drunk whilst walking his dog when we were loading the car back up at the end of the (video) shoot."

And now for some soul...

Bobby Rush - Chicken Heads

That was Louisiana soul man Bobby Rush's breakthrough disc in 1971. Maybe not the best title, though it did remind me of this...

Magnetic Fields - A Chicken With Its Head Cut Off

And a Kiwi classic on the Flying Nun label...

Headless Chickens - Gaskrankinstation

But wait, you're distracting me with all these headless chickens. Let's get back to Bobby Rush, a man who definitely knew his way around a song title...

Bobby Rush - Bowlegged Woman, Knock-Kneed Man, Pt. 1

For my money though, his greatest moment comes in the tune below, a song about a bloke who's always threatening to leave his wife, until one day she's had enough and tells him to get off. It contains one of the greatest lines ever written in the field of popular music. Well, it makes me laugh...

She said, "If you gon' leave me, leave me quick
'Cause you ain't the only lumberjack that carries a big stick"


  1. Bloody hell as if bloody Toyah wasn't annoying enough she makes a ridiculous video in the vain hope that it's amusing!!!!!!

    1. Oh, she's done a whole series of them, George. One a week - Toyah's Sunday Lunch. You've no idea what you're missing...

  2. "Who'll Babysit The Goths?" is the clear winner title-wise
