Sunday 25 August 2024

Snapshots #358: A Top Ten Songs For Your Wedding Day

Dearly beloved, we are gathered here today to bring together ten songs you'll need for your wedding day playlist...


10. Surprised by Sixx. 

Nikki Sixx is the lead singer of Mötley Crüe. A surprise is usually quite sudden.

Nikki Sudden – Wedding Hotel

9. Michael Caine was a bit of a stud.

Michael Caine was Jack Carter.

Carter the Unstoppable Sex Machine - Always The Bridesmaid, Never The Bride

8. In this universe, I have the right to remain silent.

The right to remain silent is the Fifth Amendment... in this dimension, at least.

Fifth Dimension – Wedding Bells Blues

7. Telephone, post, despatch.

They are all red boxes.

Red Box – Speeches

6. The Light, Four, Mr. Fox.

The Light Fantastic, Fantastic Four and Fantastic Mr. Fox.

The Fantastics - Something Old, Something New

5. Were Jack's stripes mean or median?

Were The White Stripes an average band?

Average White Band – Cut The Cake

4. Like a Smith: beautiful, and young at heart.

Patti Smith, la belle and the Bluebells...

Patti Labelle & The Blue Belles – Down The Aisle

3. They performed on the Hill, for the Baker, and at the Coronation.

A band for Hill Street, Baker Street and Coronation Street...

Streetband - Toast

2. Mixture used to heal demons.  

"Heal demons" was an anagram...

The Lemonheads - Confetti

1. Release your suffering. 

Free da pain!

Freda Payne - Band of Gold

If any of you know cause or just impediment why Snapshots should no return next Saturday, speak now... or forever hold thy peace.

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