Thursday 19 September 2024

Listening Post #1: Where's My Mojo?

I don't know where my blogging mojo has gone lately. I'm still enjoying the compilation of Snapshots and Namesakes, but anything beyond that just seems to take too much brain/soul-power. This is especially odd when you consider that just a few months ago, it felt like blogging was the only thing keeping me sane. Not that I feel any more sane now without it... 

Who do I blame for this lack on inspiration? Well, I'm not pointing any fingers, but Bob Dylan's Got A Lot To Answer For...


  1. As you know, I haven't been blogging this year, relying on posts written last December and artfully (!?) scheduled to run throughout 2024. I haven't really missed it, if I'm honest.

    1. Well, we've missed you. In the sense that it'd be nice to know how 2024 Martin is doing...

  2. Has Bob Dylan introduced you to marijuana? Is that the reason?

    1. Maybe I've just gone all lah di dah dah, like Mick.
