Sunday 13 January 2019

Saturday Snapshots #66 - The Answers

Ground control to Major Tom - check your Saturday Snapshots answers and put your helmet on...

Let's hope Brexit (if it happems) doesn't put an end to our European friends from taking part in Saturday Snapshots... because this week saw our Danish and German blog-friends take a clear victory. Well done to Chris and Walter, who got seven of the answers before any of our U.K. contenders even got out of bed. Charity Chic, Rigid Digit and Mr. C solved the rest, but the hard work had been done by the time they (and Alyson) arrived.

10. Undetached hedgehog calls last orders.

Sonic the hedgehog.

An undetached house might be a semi.

Last orders comes at Closing Time.

Semisonic - Closing Time

9. American revolutionary soldiers visit Chinese medicine man.

Check your history books.

The Minutemen - Dr. Wu

8. DNA Friendly Bing, doubles the aristocracy.

DNA = Gene.

Chandler Bing was in Friends.

Duke & Earl are two titles of the aristocracy.

Gene Chandler - Duke of Earl

7. Afternoon cinema blackout starts World War.

WWI began when Archduke Franz Ferdinand was assissinated.

Franz Ferdinand - The Dark of the Matinee

6. Homer in space; Brooklynite.

Homer wrote the Odyssey... but not the Space Odyssey.

Odyssey - Native New Yorker

5. Old rope from terrible circumstances.

Dire Straits - Money For Nothing

(Yes, that really is Dire Straits... at  their first ever gig!)

4. Feline superhero at home in the pub.

Cat Power - Lived In Bars

3. Broadway coffee award-winner found in Hammersmith Palais, eating greens with a gator girl.

A Tony is a Broadway Award.

Coffee is Joe.

White Man In Hammersmith Palais.

Listen to the song for the rest...

Tony Joe White - Poll Salad Annie

2. I am on swirl: the object of my desire.

I am on swirl is an anagram...

Mari Wilson - Just What I Always Wanted

1. Bob's future is in hand: great detective work.

Palm-readers tell the future.

Detectives look for clues.

Let's Dance again next Saturday morning...


  1. That Tony Joe White clue was a tricky one. Just watched the clip for the song. Elvis sang it as part of the '68 Comeback Special so only knew it from that really. Quite a song.

  2. My favourite Tony Joe White song is "Rainy Night in Georgia" which he recorded around the same time as "Polk Salad Annie". Brook Benton had a big hit with "Rainy Night" but I prefer the original.

    1. I love his version, but I'm very fond of the covers as well. Just a great song.

      You've been missed on Saturday morning the last couple of wedk Lynchie. Hope the paper round is going well.

  3. My favourite version of RNIG is by Randy Crawford (but you'd probably expect that).

  4. I benefit from CET, receive snapshots at 9.30AM whereas in UK only 8.30AM! Surprised how many I got right, five is some kind of record for me. Out of my depth on the remaining ones so good others could solve them.

  5. Yes, congrats to our European friends, and long may our lovely continental relations prevail.
