Friday 22 February 2019

The United Kingdom of Song #20: Liverpool

I went to Liverpool yesterday for the first time in my life.

As it's unlikely I'll be going back anytime soon, I thought I'd feature it here today. There are, of course, far too many popular musicians who hail from the city to mention them all here. Suffice it to say that I was slightly disappointed that I didn't see any of them during my brief visit. I'd at least have expected to bump into Sir Thumbs Aloft, gurning at me from the top of the Liver building. Next time, I guess I'll have to go to the Mull of Kintyre.

There are also far too many songs that reference Liverpool in their lyrics to ever name them all here. At least I managed to get in and out of the city without once hearing Ferry Across The Mersey. I decided to restrict myself today to just songs in my collection that feature Liverpool in the title.

Curiously, two of the best ones are by American recording artists who probably only know the city because it's where dem Beatles come from. Dey doo dough, don't dey dough?

Suzanne Vega - In Liverpool

The Bangles - Going Down To Liverpool

The next two Liverpool I found were via Wales and Ireland... both near enough, I guess, but no proper Scousers...

Manic Street Preachers - Liverpool Revisited

The Pogues - The Leaving of Liverpool

All of which leaves me with just two Liverpool songs by actual Liverpool artists... and fortunately, neither of them is by a Beatle. So let's have them both today...

Sad to say that I don't have that Little Jimmy Osmond song in my collection. I know, shame.


  1. Curiously, hearing 'Heart As Big As Liverpool' has always made me swell with pride, even though I've never set foot in the city. It's a bloody masterpiece.
    I can also offer 'Liverpool' by The LimiƱanas, which is tres groovy.

  2. I too have never been to Liverpool, but have a hankering to go there because of the musical heritage - Sorry you were underwhelmed.

    So many songs as you say and so many by Americans - As I scrolled down, I did wonder if Little Jimmy would get a mention. Needless to say, I have that song on vinyl!

  3. I've only ever been to Liverpool to take the car ferry to Dublin, but I did once have a drink in a harbour pub which I'm certain was called "Oily Mike's". That was almost 40 years ago. Have tried an Interweb search for the pub but no joy.

  4. Can't remember if it was you or Charity Chic who played it last week - but I'd go with Bragg's 'The Scousers Never Buy The Sun'.

  5. Many years ago Mr SDS and I spent a couple of days in Liverpool on one of those special Beatles weekends. One of the weirdest weekends of my life! Mainly due to the strange phenomenon that is the Beatles super fan - some real oddballs on the same trip - great for people-watching though. Nice to visit all the obvious places too but we didn't bump into any musicians, only an actress who was in Brookside at the time!
