Monday 18 March 2019

Monday's Long Song: This Is My First Day And I'm Indian And I Work At A Gas Station

I could basically put a Mark Kozelek song here every Monday until the end of the year and it would fit the bill... he's not known for his brevity, certainly not in recent years.

It's been a weekend and I haven't the energy to write much more than you'll either love this (maybe 5% of you) or hate it (everybody else). And Mark Kozelek knows that too...

1 comment:

  1. I tried to keep abreast of Kozelek's movements for about 20 years, but found that I couldn't keep up with the avalanche of releases anymore after 2013's 'Desertshore' and 'Perils From the Sea' albums, both of which I liked a lot. 'Admiral Fell Promises' is probably still my favourite of all his records. It's always interesting to bump into a song of his from more recent years - usually here. His unique musical approach still works for me.
