Tuesday 19 March 2019

The best laid plans...

The plan was to hit 47 on the Hot 100 Countdown on the day I turned 47 years of age... and all was going to plan until I was struck down with the lurgy on Sunday night. Spent the whole of yesterday in bed, and though I managed to drag my aching corpse out of the pit long enough to take Sam to school this morning, I'm heading straight back there now.

So no Hot 100 countdown today and I doubt you'll see much else here for the rest of the week, barring a miraculous recovery. Luckily Saturday Snapshots is prepared well in advance so even if I'm not back on my feet by the weekend, that should go ahead as normal. Otherwise there'd be a revolt.

This seems appropriate...


  1. Get well soon Rol your public needs you!

    PS - crappy way to spend a birthday

  2. Sorry to hear you're unwell. Hope you're up and about soon.

  3. Oh no, so sorry to hear you're unwell, especially on your birthday. We'll celebrate it with you when you're back to feeling better. Take care of yourself.

  4. What a shame Rol - I did wonder why there was a lengthy gap in this series at the end of last year, and now realise it was so that #47 would coincide with your birthday. Best laid plans an' all that. Get well soon and enjoy a belated birthday when you're up for it.

    Of course the fact it's your birthday means that tomorrow is the Vernal Equinox, the start of Spring, so always an upside.

  5. Happy 47th Rol and feel better soon.

  6. Illness on your birthday is most unwelcome (unless it is self-induced alcohol related, then it may be forgiveable).
    Keep repeating The Ramones track as a mantra - I Wanna Be Well.

    See you when you're back for the weekly bout of shouting out lyrics with numbers and recognising pictures

  7. Belated (un)happy birthday, Rol.
