Saturday 23 March 2019

Saturday Snapshots #76

This ain't no country club
And it ain't no disco
This is Saturday Snapshots, and if all you wanna do is have a little fun before you die... well, you came to the right place.

Identify ten artists and ten top tunes from the clues below, please... but only If It Makes You Happy.

10. Pork from the top of the world leads you into a talent competition.

9. Count down four places to discover Barbie takes 1000 heavy swings to get round the golf course.

8. Climbing beanstalks after 10 leads to a sad, horny godson.

7. Gracie's singular song is a let down.

6. Clock - e = belt fastener + y. Bluebottle.

5. Neon Robert, cured, follows Duran Duran to the sand.

4. Sweet on your tongue, a dancing football chant.

3. Found in a sound gallery, where Black Sabbath meets Woody's ex. (Low bridge not pictured.)

2. Wet Wet Wet, Heaven 17 and Elvis Costello can't tell the difference between rugby, soccer and ten pin bowling.

1. Solipsistic gangsters don't wake up.

Everyday Is A Winding Road leading us to the answers, tomorrow morning.


  1. 6 is Tim Buckley. But the song? Phantasmagoria in two probably

  2. 3: Art of Noise. Not sure about song, could be "Moments in Love"

  3. No 3. Art of Noise - Paranoimia

    Can't believe you are doing this from your sick bed. Hope you're feeling a bit better.

    1. SS is prepared well in advance, butvyrs, I'm recovering, thanks.

  4. 3 Art of Noise and Beat Box

  5. Happy belated birthday Rol and good to see that you're getting better and keeping this series going on.

  6. 10 John Farnham - The Voice

    (did he do anything else?)

  7. Lots of people will be kicking themselves when 9 is answered. I had to choose such a young photo since this lady is iconic.

    7&8 require our Scottish contingent.

    Extra clue to 4... Smokey once said they were worse than none at all.

  8. Is No. 7 band Field Music? They look familiar as I saw them as a support act in Sept but don't know any of their songs. (They were very good tho'!)

    Good to see you here again Rol and hope you're feeling much better.

  9. 8 is Jackie Leven - no idea of the song.

  10. 2 is "I Second That Emotion" by The Temptations.

    1. Wrong song... Alyson got the right one... however you answer (combined with the extra clue above) might help with #4.

  11. 9. Barbie is a dolly so it has to be Dolly Parton!

  12. Drat just worked out 9 to 5 by Dolly Parton but Lynchie beat me to it.

    1. Got the song though - counted down 4 places.

  13. No 4 - A Taste of Honey!

    Not sure if Boogie Oogie Oogie is a football chant though?

  14. Just to sew things up (I think), going by your clue I just looked up to see if Field Music might have a song called Disappointment - and they do. So that's my final answer for No. 7.
