Sunday 26 November 2023

Snapshots #320: A Top Ten Café Songs

What do you mean, this is a Catherine, not a Café?

Am I bovvered?

Here are ten songs to sing in your local caff...

10. Pardon, Sir?

Deaf School - Capaldi's Café

9. Two snooker greats will grow up to be a bit of a perv.

Ray Reardon and Steve Davis get Kinky.

(Aren't you impressed with my sporting knowledge?)

Ray Davies - Working Man's Café

8. The McNamara brothers were also...

Danny and Richard McNamara are two members of the rock band Embrace. This lot, from the early 80s, were also In Embrace,

In Embrace - Shouting In Cafés

7. Vibrations that travel through the air or another medium and can be heard when they reach a person's or animal's ear.

Definition Of Sound - Moira Jane's Café

6. At best, they're golden.

The Eagles - The Sad Café

Not to be confused with these guys...

Sad Café - Everyday Hurts

5. Lads often found on a cake.

The Cherry Boys - Kardomah Café

4. Killer Michael's Mum?

Michael Fassbender is in The Killer, which I reviewed here (if you can call that a review). This isn't his mum, but it could be...

Susan Fassbender ‎– Twilight Café

#21 in 1981, folks.

3. Day & Wright, Thicke & Dick.

Robin Day, Robin Wright, Robin Thicke and Dick Grayson, aka Batman's original partner.

The Robins - Smokey Joe's Café

2. A Christmas tune fit for royalty.

A carol fit for a king.

Carole King - Hard Rock Café

1. Roy.

If you can get past the fact that the lead singer looks like a young David Cameron in the video (and you probably can't), this is is a great tune.

Keane - Sovereign Light Café


  1. The first two tracks I played this morning were that Cherry Boys and the Susan Fassbinder tunes.

    1. Not to my taste. Nothing objectionable, just innocuous, no catchy chorus or memorable tune. No mad flautistry.

    2. Twilight Cafe - no catchy chorus or memorable tune? Really? I mean, really?
      Excuse me while I just pick my jaw up off the floor.


    3. Though you're quite right about mad flautistry.


  2. I might have been too late to participate, but this was another mighty fine Saturday Snapshots. Thanks, Rol!

  3. Good to see that Snapshots is still going strong. Enjoyed reading everyone’s answers and hope to be back to playing along soon.


    1. Great to hear from you, Alyson. Hope you're doing well. Look forward to seeing you back here playing along soon.
