Monday 27 November 2023

The Oh Dear I've Not Done A Monday Post Post

It's late Sunday night and I just want to go to bed and read a chapter of my book, when I realise I haven't done a post for Monday morning. I could just leave it. It wouldn't be the first time I've skipped a day. Or more. But I realise that if I try to read now, I'll just end up thinking about what I could be blogging, so...

T-Rex - By The Light Of The Magical Moon

There was a halo round the moon on Saturday night. I wonder if you saw it where you live? Apparently it's caused by "the refraction of moonlight from ice crystals in the upper atmosphere." My photo isn't as impressive as some of the ones you'll find on the news sites, but still, I was pleased I caught it at all.

The Cure - Halo

More bright lights I captured on my late evening walk with Bertie... though I'm less impressed by these. This is a house down the end of our road which has gone overboard on the Christmas decs... and it's not even December. It's lit up like this most of the night. Hope they can afford the electricity bill. 

Richard & Linda Thompson - I Want To See The Bright Lights Tonight

I know they're going for "Yay! Festive!", but when I walk past, I just think:

Which gives me an excuse to close with this. 

And now I can go to bed.


  1. Wotcha reading?


    1. Charity shop buy. The next in the Girl With The Dragon Tattoo books, first written not by the original author, who sadly passed away. It's very readable.
