Monday 15 January 2024

Celebrity Jukebox #120: Annie Nightingale

I knew that other bloggers would be far better at eulogising Annie Nightingale than I would, especially those of you with one foot in the dance music camp, like Khayem

That said, I couldn't let her passing go without a mention. The term "legend" is over-used, particularly in radio circles, but when you consider what Annie Nightingale achieved in her lifetime, both in terms of shattering the glass ceiling for female DJs and being a champion of new music well into her 80s... "legend" is a term richly deserved.

The number of acts who owe their careers to Annie Nightingale is inestimable, so I'm surprised I couldn't find more songs that mention her name. But here are two, starting with the ridiculous... though I'm sure Annie found it amusing.

Oh Anne Nightingale, what's your blinking game?!
I waited for your roadshow, but your roadshow never came
And guess who I blame:
Anne the DJ, Anne the DJ, Anne the DJ...

Frank Sidebottom - Panic on the Streets of Timperley

In 1987, Annie Nightingale went to Moscow because she was interested in the Russian underground music scene. Back then, if you wanted to make pop music in Russia, you were either signed to the state record label, Melodiya, or you were on your own. There she met Boris Grebenshchikov, “the Russian Bob Dylan”, an artist who was getting his music heard despite having no state support (and no money). A few years later, Boris released this... a fine tribute.


  1. A wonderful tribute, Rol. I think those paragraphs and pair of songs were right on the money. A poignant post on a pretty amazing person. Thank you.

  2. A fine tribute Rol. I remember her Sunday afternoon show best which always started with Lazy Sunday Afternoon by the Small Faces. She certainly did shatter those glass ceilings.

  3. Yup. A very fine tribute. The Sunday evening Radio 1 show in the 80s/90s was essential listening.
