Sunday 14 January 2024

Snapshots #327: A Top Ten Oh Yeah Songs

You might need a Brave Heart to take part in this quiz, but hopefully you can solve it without a Lethal Weapon.

Here are ten songs designed to make you go "Oh Yeah!"

10. Going underground.

The Subways - Oh Yeah

9. Half a bad-mannered dance.

Bad Manners did The Can Can.

Can - Oh Yeah

8. A sudden and unaccountable change of mood or behaviour.

That's the definition of Caprice.

Caprice - Oh Yeah

7. Made to be played, or broken, by Keanu.

Records are made to be played or broken. Keanu Reeves plays John Wick.

John Wicks & The Records - Oh Yeah

6. Sir Lancelot casts these.

The Shadows Of Knight - Oh Yeah

5. How Catwoman uses her whip.

Bat For Lashes - Oh Yeah

4. Killer's cousin.

Jerry Lee Lewis was the Killer. This is his cousin Carl.

Carl McVoy - Oh Yeah

3. There's something burnt in your mashed potato.

MASHed potato.

Ash - Oh Yeah

2. I'm Cyrus Ox.


Roxy Music - Oh Yeah

1. Look how they shine for you.

That's a line from that Coldplay song. Don't pretend you didn't know.

Yello - Oh Yeah

Hopefully we're not getting too old for this shit... because there'll be more Snapshots next Saturday.


  1. " Don't pretend you didn't know."
    I did not, and I suspect I'm not alone

    1. Oh, you're both too cool for school.

    2. Too right! I will also add that I have ever heard of 4 of those acts

    3. Ever heard or never heard? Either way, that's a step up from last week.

  2. I didn’t recognise the lyric but thankfully recognised Dieter and Boris.

    Yellow is the worst song by Coldplay that I’ve heard, enough that I’ll skip channels or stations if it comes on.

    I’d listen to an oompah cover version of it though.
