Saturday 13 January 2024

Saturday Snapshots #327

It's time to enter the dragon's lair again. Can you kung fu your way through the clues below to identify 10 pop artists connected by one musical theme?

Don't Think, Feel!

10. Going underground.

9. Half a bad-mannered dance.

8. A sudden and unaccountable change of mood or behaviour.

7. Made to be played, or broken, by Keanu.

6. Sir Lancelot casts these.

5. How Catwoman uses her whip.

4. Killer's cousin.

3. There's something burnt in your mashed potato.

2. I'm Cyrus Ox.

1. Look how they shine for you.

Easy this week, right?

Confirm your answers tomorrow morning.


  1. Morning everyone!

    1 is Yello
    3 is Ash

  2. 6. Shadows of Knight
    7. John Wicks of The Records?

    From the clue and his features 4 is Jerry Lee Lewis's cousin but no idea who he is

  3. 8 is the model Caprice. Until 5 mins ago I had no idea that she had released any music. I’m not sure that I needed to know that fact!

  4. Replies
    1. Ah, Khayem, thinking the same thing at the same time!

  5. Oh Yeah! I think I may have got the clue!

  6. Ash and Roxy both had songs called Oh Yeah. Same for the rest, or they all have songs with Yeah in the title?

    (I’ve had two coffees already this morning!)

    1. You were too wordy Khayem! Once you've cracked the link you need a short and snappy comment to beat Ernie.

    2. I learnt that from being pipped at the post by Alyson herself many times. It is only her innate modesty that prevents her mentioning that.

  7. I obviously need 3 coffees to beat Ernie to it!

    1. From bitter past experience I have learnt to keep the comment with your answer in short and press the button quickly, because usually someone else gets it at the same time.

  8. Well done chaps. Yep we all need 3 coffees to beat Ernie!

  9. Looks like I wasn't needed today. All done by 9? Too easy.

    Did anyone get the name of Jerry Lee's cousin? (It's not the one he married.)

  10. Looked it up and it could by Mickey Gilley although Jerry Swaggart was also a cousins well.
    Elvis also appears to be a very distant cousin.Clearly a lot of in-breeding in the South!
