Tuesday 20 August 2019

Mid-Life Crisis Songs #37: Back To Work Blues

After three weeks of putting up shelves, assembling and disassembling furniture, and unpacking boxes... I'm back at work. No break for me this summer, then... and we're heading into the toughest few months of the year in the run up to Christmas.

I do intend to keep this blog afloat beyond Saturday Snapshots, but I also want to do some proper writing and maybe even start walking again... two things I've had precious little time for over the past 6 years.

So expect me when you see me. I hope you're all keeping well.

Every now and then, I get down to the end of a day
I have to stop, ask myself why I've done it
It just seems so useless to have to work so hard
And nothin' ever really seems to come from it


  1. As my ma used to say: "We'll see ya when we see ya." which I hope makes some sense. I recall reading somewhere that moving house was one of the top 5 most stressful things a person can do, so downsizing your blog writing is a no-brainer.

    Good luck with the real writing and thanks for sticking with your wonderful Saturday Snapshots posts.

  2. Good to see you back sir and would endorse FBCB's Ma's mantra

  3. It's more fun to blog when you feel like it anyway, so exactly the way to go. All the best with being back at work - at least you didn't have to move during term-time so it could have been worse (although it won't feel like that right now).

    Thanks for being able to continue Saturday Snapshots - A real success story.

  4. House move, Ikea (undoubtedly), back to work.
    (Probably) the 3 most stressful situations (other than staring at CD shelves with no inspiration, or forgetting what you went into a room for).
    Any Rol Blog entry is welcomed, especially those photo things on a Saturday Morning.
    Slainte Mhath

  5. You're all too kind. I might start crying again.

  6. Don't cry. Walk. Write. And then write about walking.

  7. As everyone else has said! No such thing as pressure from here.

  8. To quote Gregory's Girl, "If I don't see you through the week, I'll see you through a window, eh?" Okay, so that doesn't really work here, but you get the gist...

  9. I don't know how you kept up that pace for as long as you did. Blog when the feeling strikes you. We will be here to read it when you do. Hope the move went well, Rol.

    1. Me neither. No wonder you're f*cked. Researching and writing a continual daily list must have been like having a second job - a never ending milk round. Come back when you're good and ready. And enjoy that new house of yours. Would love to buy you a beer sometime if you're up for it...

    2. Brian - the movie nearly killed me, but what doesn't... makes you stronger, apparently.

      John - haven't had an alcoholic drink in almost 20 years due to a dodgy liver and never touched beer (I was a whiskey man for my sins), but I never say no to free coffee!


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