Monday 15 June 2020

Grumpy Old Men Songs #12: Stop Driving Like An Asshole

The good thing about old blog series is that they never really end... they just go on hold until you find the perfect song to bring them back. To wit, this one, which I heard for the first time last week... and realised I'd been waiting most of my life for it. (Or at least since I started driving at the grumpy old age of 18.)

The band is I See Hawks In LA, an alt-country combo who have been gradually sneaking their way onto my radar over the past few months. Their latest tune, recorded in lockdown, is pretty good too and I may well feature that here another day.

For now though, I give you Stop Driving Like An Asshole. If it isn't the greatest thing you've heard this week, then I want to know what else you've been listening to.


  1. Fun song. Will have to check out their music on Bandcamp.

  2. These blokes better not drive around these parts, it seems to be compulsory to drive 2m from the rear of the car in front, overtake on a corner, and this very bloody morning overtake at 80km/h in a 50km/h built up area that also had a no obertaking sign. No wonder they have the worst road accident figures in western europe.
    ANd the Curtus Mayfield song at CCM is better.


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