Saturday 19 February 2022

Saturday Snapshots #228

There's another stormy Saturday in prospect, with winds strong enough to blow TVs out of hotel rooms and Rolls Royces into swimming pools. Better to stay indoors, I'd say, and have a go at this week's Snapshots.

Identify the artists below, then work out the connection between certain of their songs...

10. Sounds like he had slim sleeves.

9. Genesis sang about them three times.

8. Detective who used to make sketches meets homicidal artificial intelligence. 

(Or... would-be Dirty Harry meets magician in a box.)

7. Wot, no peppered sprouts?

6. They got tangled up in a hotter vest bra.

5. Southern Indian devotional poet.

4. Famous for producing ground beef dish.

3. First in line, lover of wolves.

2. In this picture, you have seen torsos.

1. Rocking horses.

When the Moon goes down tomorrow morning, the answers will come up.


  1. 2 Stone Roses
    9 Tonight

    Mr SDS spotted a few others and has got the link already, I couldn't beat him.

  2. Has everyone been blown away today?

  3. Coincidentally I've just picked up an Avett Brothers CD in a charity shop
    Drum roll please ...

  4. Very late today (blame those Olympic Curlers) but yes would have got the link too. Should have picked the Stone Poneys over the Curling Stones though as we got silver.


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