Monday 27 February 2023

Celebrity Jukebox #73: Angela Lansbury

Last week, we lost Raquel Welch. It's only a few months since she featured here... so maybe I am going to stick with dead celebs for the time being. Plenty of them to go around, and as Alyson reminds us, there will be more and more over the next few years.

All of which brings us to Angela Lansbury, who died last year, aged 96. Most famous for her role as crime-busting author Jessica Fletcher in Murder She Wrote, Lansbury had been acting for over 40 years before she took on that part, including major roles in The Manchurian Candidate, Bedknobs & Broomsticks and The Company of Wolves. Not forgetting that she was Elvis's mum in Blue Hawaii. And she could sing too...

Would you expect to find her in a Wu Tang Clan song though?

Hereditary trait, seeking salvation like the Cranberries
Wrote Murder with Angela Lansbury often
Til my biological clock stops and my casket falls


Once that's out of the way, we can turn to music (and lyrics) more suited to these aging eardrums...

Sinatra died and Grandma cried and we all sat around until
I asked if you'd ever seen the Manchurian Candidate
It's a John Frankenheimer film
A real attack on McCarthy and
I have to admit Angela Lansbury rocks as the Mom

Brooklyn's Shilpa Ray gets compared to Patti Smith, Nick Cave and Ella Fitzgerald. Got to be worth a listen, right?

He's made of rŠµvisionist history
Rolling deep in cheap mysteries
And I'm AngŠµla Lansbury
And it's the same sociopath

Canada's B.A. Johnston, meanwhile, has been dumped. I wonder why?

Murder, she wrote
Murder, she wrote
Our love is dead
And I guess Angela Lansbury could easily solve this
She probably just got tired of my shit
Easy to leave

How about some titular mentions? Starting with an instrumental from Indianapolis's Operators...

A little more shouty...

And I would be remiss if I didn't remind you all of this 90s gem...

The best I can come up with today though is this catchy obscurity from Canadian band Prairie of Prax.

Dissecting Agatha Christie prose, such a surprise 
Wherever Angela Lansbury goes, somebody dies


  1. Definitely saved the best 'til last

  2. Angela Lansbury was only 10 years older than Elvis when she played his mum. A fine character actress. I’m not surprised she’s been mentioned in so many songs.



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