Monday 3 June 2024

Cnut Songs #29: Screen Test

It was rather a wet Half Term, so Sam and I went to the cinema twice. The first film, John Krasinski's If, I would recommend to anyone. It's one of the best kids films I've seen in a long time, up there with the inestimable Paddington 2 as a fun family movie with real heart. And I say that as someone with a very low tolerance for schmaltz.

And then we saw Garfield, which was a bag of shite.

I like Garfield. But this movie was only a Garfield film for the first 20 minutes, then it became a Chris Pratt / Samuel L. Jackson buddy movie... only not even as interesting as that might sound. Garfield was there on the screen, but there was very little Garfield. If that makes sense.

Anyway, about halfway through the movie, I noticed a mum a few rows in front of us with two young daughters. I'd seen them arrive (late) and then watched the mum leave the girls to go fetch popcorn. The older girl (who I reckon was still a few years younger than Sam) was clearly even less enamoured with the movie than I was. So Mum gave her a mobile phone and she sat watching Tiktok videos, hypnotised, her instant-gratification-dopamine-fix sated till the credits rolled. 

By the end of the movie, I wanted to cry.

1 comment:

  1. Comparison with Paddington 2 is high praise for any film.


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