Wednesday 24 February 2021

Mid-Life Crisis Songs #59: Letting You Go

Last week, I posted a song by Ingrid Andress, written from the perspective of a daughter who knew that if her new man left her after he'd met her parents, he'd be "breaking more hearts than mine". Alyson commented that the song hit the spot for her, both as a daughter and the mother of a 20-something.

Well, here's another one I think you'll appreciate, Alyson. And maybe a few more of you might too. This one is written from the perspective of a girl's father... but mothers, fathers, sons, daughters... I think it says something to all of us. From the latest Jason Isbell album, which is still ticking over in my car (not that I get to drive much at the moment).

The nurse helped us buckle your seat in the car
And they sent us on our way, I drove home so slow
We had no instructions, the first days were hard
But there's things about babies a woman just knows

Three in the morning
I lay my hand over your heart
Just to know you were safe in your sleep
When you started walking
I fight back the urge to stay right there beside you
And keep you on your feet

Being your daddy comes natural
The roses just know how to grow
It's easy to see that you'll get where you're going
The hard part is letting you go
The hard part is letting you go


  1. Beautiful song from a great album. Sheer poetry.

  2. Beautiful indeed and I'll have to let Mr WIAA listen to this one (he'll probably shed a tear).

    We've had to let go a few times now, but here's the thing, they keep coming back! Getting easier now though and think this might be her on her way this time, cross fingers (the pesky pandemic fairly got in the way for a while though).


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