Monday, 10 December 2012

My Top Ten Carol Songs

Because it's almost Christmas... here's ten Carols.

No Carolines though, there's a whole other Top Ten in them.

10. Tom Lehrer - A Christmas Carol

Getting us all in the Christmas spirit... kind of.

On Christmas Day you can't get sore,
Your fellow man you must adore,
There's time to rob him all the more
The other three hundred and sixty-four.
9. The Polyphonic Spree - Carol of the Bells

 Or, if you prefer a slightly less cynical Christmas Carol... (well, it's also mercifully short).

8. Nadeah - Scary Carol

In which Nadeah gets kidnapped by a green polar bear. Things get weirder from there.

7. Chuck Berry - Carol

Can't beat a bit of Chuck. Great guitar on this song.

6. Modesty Blaise - Carol Mountain

80s indie band who the internet appears to know very little about. Shame: this is a jaunty little number.

5. Morrissey - When I Last Spoke To Carol

Morrissey goes Mariachi. Again. And growls like a tiger. Don't ask me.

4. Manfred Mann's Earth Band -  Don't Kill It, Carol

This Carol doesn't have exactly green fingers. Oy! Carol! Leave that rose alone!

3. Jeff Buckley - Corpus Christi Carol

It's easy to forget just what a cracking album Grace was. Then you listen to something like this again and... woah, momma.

2. Neil Sedaka - Oh Carol

It's a classic, but it might not have made it so high on this countdown if it wasn't for the talky bit.

I'm always a sucker for talky bits: the more earnest, the better.

Written for Carole King, back when she and Neil worked together in the Brill Building.

1. Flight of the Conchords - Carol Brown

One of their very best. Lyrics so good... proves they're more than just a comedy band.

Shut up, girlfriends from the past!

Those were my favourite Carols... which one is your Vorderman?


  1. I'd forgotten just how much I enjoy Chuck Berry...and love your number 1...

  2. Great no.1 choice. I must have played that clip on YouTube dozens of times after the episode first aired. Definitely one of their best.

    I have no suggestions of my own, even though my mum's name is Carol (I certainly heard Oh Carol by Neil Sedaka a lot growing up).

  3. Smokie's 'Oh Carol' is a, ahem, 70s golden classic.
    'All the right words and all the right curves'... 'I'm floating on the Milky Way'.
    And she wasn't even 16 you know! (Don't worry; it was all the rage back then evidently).

  4. All I could think of was Neil Sedaka... which worries me greatly.


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