Tuesday 15 October 2024

Namesakes #107: The Intruders

Nobody wants to encounter an intruder in their home, but today I'm inviting loads of them in. Which ones can stay, and which ones make you want to call the cops?


Let's start with some food-obsessed (they also had a tune called Frankfurters And Sauerkraut) New Jersey rock 'n' rollers from the late 50s, on the ironically named Fame record label.

The Intruders - Fried Eggs


Forgotten lights of the Philly soul sound, these guys started as a doo wop band in 1960 but went on to become the first group to score hits with songs written and produced by the superstar team of Gamble & Huff. This was their biggest hit, from 1968...

The Intruders - Cowboys To Girls


1963 surf instrumental from a bunch of Intruders who also acted as the backing band for one Jackie Powers... Austin's cousin, presumably.

The Intruders - Trambone

That's not how I'd spell trombone.


High school students from Schenectady (bless you) in 1964...

The Intruders - What Kind Of Girl Are You?


More rad surfer dudes from 1965...

The Intruders - The Intruder


I'm starting to sense a theme here...

The Intruders - Intrudin'


Mid-60s US pop act from Tucson, Arizona who went on to become The Dearly Beloved...

The Intruders - Let Me Stay


Garage rockers from St. Louis who met while working together as file clerks in the local hospital. Here they are in 1966...

The Intruders - Total Raunch 


Meanwhile, over in Illinois, around the same time the last lot were raunching it up, these guys were poised for greatness... until most of them were drafted to Vietnam in 1967.

The Intruders - Now That You Know


Also from Illinois, also in 1966, here's a different bunch of Intruders who counted among their members one Richard "Frog" Hull. He wasn't a real frog.

The Intruders - Bringin' Me Down


Reggae band from 1968, also known as The Crashers. Here, they're helped along by the Blenders and legendary Jaimaican producer Joe Gibbs...

The Intruders - Hurry Come Up


Classy power-popper from the late 70s / early 80s by the sound of it (hard to get an exact date as I can only find their songs on re-issued compilation albums). The lead singer went on to rescue Nakatomi Plaza from terrorists.

JP McClain & The Intruders - Baby Don't Laugh


Hilarious hair metal dudes from Fresno in 1986. The first 30 seconds of male voice choir is not representative of the rest of their act...

Intruders - Baa Baa


Dutch country band from 1986... though they appear to have still been going in '94 when this was recorded...

The Intruders - No Idea What The Song's Called


The man who replaced original drummer Tommy Ramone in... erm... The Ramones also had his own band of Intruders. Here they are in 1996, and they're thirsty...

Marky Ramone & The Intruders - I Wants My Beer 


Tokyo punks from 2009...

Intruders - Cream Of The Crop (No Choice)


French Intruders from 2014. Sounds like the lead singer was a bad lad at school.

The Intruders - Eleven


Noisy Eastern Europeans from a decade or so ago. It's only two minutes long, but it may be the longest two minutes of your life. I'm guessing the SS wasn't accidental...

The Intruderss - 7 Miliard


Much more palatable, here's some "dallamos punk-rock Mezőhegyesről!" That's melodic punk-rock from Mezőhegyes. (Hungary, 2021.)

The Intruders - Okos V​í​rus


And finally, some jangly indie Intruders from Newfoundland and Labrador, Canada. Not Bowie or the Jam, but not bad.

Intruders! - Absolute Beginners

Many other Intruders were identified, but not deemed worthy of further investigation.

Any take your fancy?

Monday 14 October 2024

Listening Post #9: Purple Rain (not that one!)

Like many people, I tried to take a photo of last week's Northern Lights display... though all I really got on film was Steve. Bloody Steve, hogging the twilight...

The Pernice Brothers released their 9th studio album earlier this year, and it's a real slow burn grower. Favourite tracks so far include December In Her Eyes, the Neko Case duet I Don't Need That Anymore, and the title track, Who Will You Believe?

However, it's the epic closing track which I've become most obsessed with over the past few weeks, despite its titular similarity to an equally epic Prince tune...

Joe Pernice's Purple Rain is a completely different proposition, differentiated by the addition of the definite article... which almost seems cheeky, under the circumstances. As I say, they're both epic tunes... but hats off to Joe for making his epic clock in at just over 3 minutes (unlike Prince's, which doesn't give you much change from 10). And he still manages to throw in a brass band and full choir along the way...

Sunday 13 October 2024

Snapshots #365 - A Top Ten Songs About Metals

If anyone wants to take me to task that Metal Mickey isn't holding a camera in the above image (as is customary for this feature), I have but one retort: he has an in-built camera, of course!

Here are ten songs featuring precious, and not-so-precious, metals. 


10. Spotted in a thirty centimetre X-ray.

Yhirty centimetre X-ray.

T-Rex - Think Zinc

9. Nine carat or less.

That's pretty low quality gold.

Lowgold - Mercury

8. In later years, he would go live with the rabbits.

In a Hutch.

David Soul - Silver Lady

7. Enjoys Welsh foxglove with her muffins.

Welsh foxglove is Ffion. Martha had her Muffins.

Martha Ffion - Lead Balloon

6. Never had a daily show.

Jon Stewart was the host of the Daily Show. Not John Stewart.

John Stewart - Gold 

I know many of you would have preferred Spandau Ballet, but that would have been too easy.

5. Could be a gutted diva. 

"A gutted diva" was an anagram...

David Guetta - Titanium

4. Shrunken heads.

Small Faces - Tin Soldier

3. Introducing...

Prelude - Platinum Blonde

2. Everything gets confused when a twit perishes.

"Twit perishes" was another anagram.

White Stripes - Aluminum

I think you're missing the second i there, Jack.

1.  Red lynx cat meets naughty dog. 

A red lynx would be a bobcat. Marley was a naughty dog in Marley & Me... with a sad end.

(This was actually a photo of Bob and a couple of the future Wailers in their first band, The Teenagers. But you try to find a photo of Bob Marley that isn't instantly recognisable!)

Bob Marley & The Wailers - Iron Lion Zion

Snapshots will be back next Saturday. I'm not taking the Mickey!

Saturday 12 October 2024

Saturday Snapshots #365

No need to feel Downey this Saturday morning - Snapshots is here to add some cheer to your weekend.

Who are the ten popular musical people below... and how might their songs be connected?

10. Spotted in a thirty centimetre X-ray.

9. Nine carat or less.

8. In later years, he would go live with the rabbits.

7. Enjoys Welsh foxglove with her muffins.

6. Never had a daily show.

5. Could be a gutted diva. 

4. Shrunken heads.

3. Introducing...

2. Everything gets confused when a twit perishes.

1.  Red lynx cat meets naughty dog. 

Answers tomorrow morning!

Friday 11 October 2024

Listening Post #8: Science Fiction

The HMV Sale used to be a source of great excitement at Top Ten Towers, but I guess I'm talking 20, maybe even thirty years ago... and these days, if they do have a sale on, it's usually a sham, a travesty, a mockery of its former self.

Still, a few months back I stumbled into an HMV sale and while perusing the ONE SHELF of MILDY REDUCED CDs, I came across 24 Songs by The Wedding Present. It's hard to keep up with everything David Gedge puts out these days, and while I remember him releasing a few of these songs a couple of years back, I didn't know he'd compiled them onto a nice double CD. For once then, I came away happy from an HMV Sale... although it was hardly the same as the days when I'd walk out of the store laden down with a bag full of goodies.

Science Fiction is one of those songs I'm surprised Gedge didn't write years ago. He is a closet comic book / sci fi fan, so this must have been easy work for him. It's a typically Weddoes love-lorn tale of a hapless hero who tries to distract himself from the depression of being dumped by drowning his woes in sci fi. I've probably been there...

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