Wednesday, 4 December 2024

The Best Of 2024 (Part 2)

I've been walking these street so long, singing the same old song, that I've grown mighty tired of writing year end reviews. It feels like an obligation now, so to spice up this year's offering, I decided to throw some random lyrics into the mix and see if anyone can identify them. Google has made lyric quizzes much less fun, but if you're not sure which the lyrics are... maybe that'll make it less of a chore. Or maybe I'm a lonely man who's in the middle of something that he doesn't really understand. Who can say?

Speaking of lonely men, and I'm not one to point fingers, but San Francisco's Glenn Donaldson doesn't appear to have much of a social life. Not if the amount of songs he writes, records and puts out on that bandcamp is anything to go by. I've only really listened to one of them - Unwishing Well - but he's put out another four since that one dropped in April this year. Sha-na na-na, sha-na na-na na, get a job, Glenn! Anyway, here's a nice description of that collection which saves me the trouble... 

"Crystalizing the tragic self-celebrating kingdoms of fortunate failures, false heroes, music press deities of limitless deceit, hometown dive gods and humanity in the grips of all its romanticized wonder and woe..."

Someone who's giving Glenn a run for his money in the prolific stakes is Willie Nelson who, at 91, seems to be averaging two albums a year. Makes me glad we help the aged and don't just put them in a home. Can't have much fun when they're all on their own... and Willie still seems to be having lots of fun, even if he does feel like the last leaf on the tree...

A couple more old-timers from the country scene are Dave Alvin & Jimmy Dale Gilmore, who put out their second collaborative collection earlier this year. I've been a fan of Jimmy Dale since his foot slipped over the line while he was bowling in The Big Lebowski...

He certainly entered a world of pain that day. Fortunately, he survived, and a quarter of a century later, he's still here...

I had a dream last night, but I forget what it was. Fortunately, I didn't forget to include this little ditty from Brooklyn's Bad Mary in my year end review. It's like a song of love that clings to me...

There's a voice that keeps on calling me. Down the road, that's where I'll always be. So if you want to join me for a while, you'll be glad to know more great songs from 2024 will appear here soon. How soon?


  1. Great selection. The Reds etc have become a favourite of mine over the last few years and I have at least three of their albums (as you say there are too many to count). This is the song that started it off for me way back in 2022:

    1. That's a good one. Not heard that before.


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