Thursday, 20 March 2025

The My Top Ten Mailbag #1

Jim from Dubai writes...

Hello Rol,

I hope all is well.

I liked the Snapshots last week with the two references to Feargal Sharkey.

While on the topic of Feargal I thought you might like this from Viz magazine about a year ago, Frugal Sharkey, some great references to My Perfect Cousin.

I still buy Viz, still has some great stuff in it.


Thanks, Jim. Despite being a long-time comic reader - and the fact that a friend of mine now regularly draws for it - I've never really got into Viz. Still, I'm always happy to have a free post, and this is fun...

The Undertones - My Perfect Cousin

The Assembly - Never Never

I don't know why I'm calling this post #1. It's not as though it's going to be a series. Unless...


  1. It was Derek Longmuir's birthday yesterday

    1. And Bruce Willis's. Rather ironically, given the first records I bought.

  2. Oh, so long since I've seen a Viz! Loving the name Frugal Sharkey, and it reminds me of the time when 'A Good Heart' was out and a customer came into the shop asking for the new single by Shergar.

  3. That made me smile. I had no idea that Viz was still going.

  4. Very funny indeed. Loads of references in there.

    Old Frugal pops up on telly all the time nowadays because of his work with cleaning up the rivers and waterways. All because he was an angler who saw what was happening.


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