Friday, 31 January 2025

Bertie Fridays #1: Here's Looking At You, Kid

This is our dog, Bertie. He's put on his best outfit for you.

And now, we're going to party like it's 2017, the year this blog embraced Kenny Wednesdays and Randy Tuesdays... with a celebration of rock 'n' roll's greatest Herberts. 

Starting with the one and only...

1. Bertie Higgins.

Elbert Joseph Higgins hailed from Florida where he started his working life as a ventriloquist and a sponge diver.

In 1982 he hit the US Top Ten with his debut single Key Largo, which appealed to Bogart and Baccall fans everywhere (including Terry Wogan and yours truly). The song tells the story of a young couple suffering through a long winter together, their only entertainment watching old films on the Late Late Show. Another single from the same album continued the theme...

Bertie Higgins - Casablanca

...but none of Bertie's subsequent records made quite the same splash as his hit named after the movie Key Largo.

We had it all
Just like Bogie and Bacall
Starring in our old late, late show
Sailing away to Key Largo

Here's lookin' at you kid
Missing all the things we did
We can find it once again, I know
Just like they did in Key Largo

Bertie's still touring though, and he was inducted into the Florida Music Hall of Fame in 2017. 

Next week... he's got the mad hits!


  1. He looks like a good boy. Your dog, that is, not Mr Higgins.

    1. He likes you to tickle his tummy.

      And so does my dog.

  2. Bertie appears to have modeled his own look on Mr Higgins (or vice versa).
    Looking forward to a guitar battle between Messrs Jansch and Weedon.

    1. PS I meant Bertie's hair not outfit, although I'm sure he would rock a dog collar in the form of a gold medallion.

    2. I'm trying to get Bertie to wear an open collar with a medallion...

    3. Are you sure Mr Weedon was ever referred to as Bertie?

    4. Beyond Mr. Higgins, I doubt there will be many actual Berties in this feature. Berts and Burts will be allowed.

    5. but no Herbs or Herbies?

  3. We're off to puppy-proof DD's house this morning as their new puppy arrives next weekend! I'll share pics at my place. Love your little dog and I do have a soft spot for Mr Higgins and his song too - but you probably would have guessed that.


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