Thursday, 16 January 2025

Sequel Songs #1: Two Pints Of Lager

Some time ago, I began making a list of songs which were sequels to earlier songs... occasionally by the artist who did the original, but often by a completely different act. Initially I thought this would make a good Saturday Snapshots, but as the list grew I realised it would be quite a tricky one... and there were far too many good tunes to waste on a throwaway edition of the quiz.

And so, devoid of much inspiration for ways to keep this blog going beyond the tent-pegs on Tuesday and Saturday, I thought I'd make Sequel Songs a series. Starting with Two Pints Of Lager... and a Packet of Crisps.

Of course, everyone here will know the original version by Kentish ambassadors of "punk pathetique", Splodgenessabounds...

You're probably also aware that the song inspired a long-running BBC sitcom starring Will Mellor, Sheridan Smith and Ralph Little. 

However, you may not have heard this sequel, released late last year by promising Norwich five-piece Bag of Cans.

Not being a drinker, I don't spend a lot of time in pubs these days (you're far more likely to find me in a coffee shop), but I still think this is a worthy update. Those of you more familiar with propping up a bar or two might find it painfully accurate...


  1. Replies
    1. Then I suggest you also check out their song Favourite Shirt, which may or may not have anything to do with the Haircut 100 song of very similar name...

  2. I think I may have been in that pub (briefly)

  3. Replies
    1. I liked it so much I banged it straight on to a playlist for my friend, Chris.


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