Monday, 20 January 2025

Celebrity Jukebox #131: David Lynch

The owls are not what they seem.

The term "genius" is often mis-applied, but in my book it's never been more appropriately used than when used to describe writer and director David Lynch. 

This whole world's wild at heart and weird on top.

Much will be written about Lynch's legacy in the world of film and TV, and there's little point in me adding to that other than to say that he was responsible for one of my all time favourite TV shows (two if you count the sequel, which was a very different proposition... and a lot of people couldn't get behind that, but I did) and some of the most affecting, thought-provoking and visionary (another term that rarely gets used appropriately) movies I've ever seen. 

Why are there people like Frank? Why is there so much trouble in this world?

His death leaves a big hole. Even though he struggled to get funding to make his films over the last few years, I still held out hope we'd see more from him one way or another. And now he's gone. Another hero of my youth lost to the reaper.

People are frightened by what they don't understand.

Here are some tunes in tribute...

Thank you, Mr. Lynch. You made scared, you made me laugh, you made me think, you made me feel. And you made some damn fine coffee.

In Heaven, everything is fine.


  1. Yes. A fine post, Rol. We'll not see his like often.

  2. Nice tribute to a true original. - Brian

  3. A great tribute on the great man’s birthday, Rol, with some damn fine song choices. Thank you!


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