Friday 23 November 2012

My Top Ten Universe Songs

Hey - I found a Top 10 that was left over from the old blog. I hate to see a good list go to waste...

10. The Beatles - Across The Universe

At which point, the Beatles were lost in the constellation of hippy. Nothing's gonna change my world...

Unsurprisingly, David Bowie covered this in a rather mad way.

9. The Dears - Who Are You, Defenders of the Universe?

Found this old Dears album kicking around in my record collection the other day. Not listened to it in ages. Forgotten how good this track was.

8. Pulp - Master Of The Universe

Very early Pulp, from their second album, 'Freaks', circa 1987. Before Jarvis discovered the kitchen sink route to success.

7. Eels - Daisies Of The Galaxy

The 'galaxy' in question is a theatre, but we won't let that concern us.

6. Laura Viers - Galaxies

When Laura Viers sings, stars fill up my eyes...

5. Ryan Adams - Fuck The Universe

Well, there's no need to be like that.

4. Chris Bell - I Am The Cosmos

Every night I tell myself: I am the cosmos

Insert punchline here.

Seriously though, this one gets extra points because Chris Bell was from Big STAR.

3. Queen - Princes Of The Universe

From the soundtrack to Highlander. As with Flash Gordon, Queen had a habit of recording soundtrack records that were far better than the movies they became attached to.

When I was 16, I thought this record ROCKED SO HARD. The video, however, is an exercise in restrained subtlety and minimalism.

2. Beastie Boys - Intergalactic

But as stupendous as the video for 'Princes of the Universe' is, it cannot compete with the b-movie genius of 'Intergalactic', possibly the Beastie Boys' finest moment.


1. Blur - The Universal

The second best song Blur ever recorded. #1 being 2. Obviously.

Yes, it really, really, REALLY could 'appen...

So those were my favourite songs of the universe - which one sends you into another dimension?


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