Saturday 30 November 2019

Saturday Snapshots #113

Top hat?


White tie?


Funny face?

They can't take that away from me.

OK, then. Shall we dance?

Ten clues (only ten this week!) to ten songs and their performers. Go!

10. Almost like a lone cuckoo, above its nest, on a rack, surrounded by water, screaming.

9. Bunch of evil bastards and feckless idiots, carrying a torch.

8. A small amount of fuel for Henry's car: pucker up, zombie Bruce.

7. See wild animals in the waves and obliterate them.

6. You should take one on de canal... drums after dark.

5. A make believe clock for short bosses.

4. Ask a Loser if he wants a cuppa... you'll be surprised by how many sugars he wants.

3. "They're all out to get me!"


2. Vowel-free gym teacher in the Yellowhammer state.

1. Artist not with Brand T gives up seat.

Let's call the whole thing off... at least until tomorrow morning when I reveal the answers.


  1. 9. is "Flash Light" by Parliament.

    7. The Surfaris - "Wipeout"

  2. 2 Lynyrd Skynyrd - Sweet Home Alabama

  3. 3: I Think I'm Paranoid by Garbage

  4. 6. Debarge - "Rhythm of the Night" (I groaned out loud at the clue for the band's name!)

  5. 8: Kiss Me Deadly - Lita Ford

  6. 1 is REM
    (but I'm b*ggered if I can get the song)

  7. I know 10 is James McMurty but I can only guess that the song is "Levelland", which I hope is right because it's a fabulous song...

    1. No. I'm not sure how well known the song I've chosen is... then again, I don't think much of his stuff is well-known, so I could have chosen anything. Kudos for getting the artist.

      The clue is particularly torturous too. Not one of my best. Certainly not up there with "de canal".

    2. I bought McMurtry's album "Childish Things" on the strength of a terrific story/song track called "We Can't Make It Here" which I think is one of the best songs of the past 20 years.

  8. Choctaw Bingo is not the answer but is pretty good too


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