Sunday, 2 February 2025

Snapshots #381: A Top Twelve Songs About String Instruments

Viola and welcome to twelve songs with strings attached. Thank you for demonstrating your usual pluck and determination...

12. Soon became atheists.

Once they'd finished Losing Their Religion.

11. Mates with David Hamilton.

He was known for hanging out with Diddy men.

10. Rodney: not a plonker.

Nick Rodney Drake... definitely not a plonker.

9. Frank & Jesse. (One song from each.)

Taken from the movie The Last Days of Frank and Jesse James, starring Johnny Cash and Kris Kristofferson.

(Or, if you stretch the criteria a little as I wanted to... Daddy Sang Bass.)

8. Compasses point them out.

Compasses point towards magnetic fields...

7. How Superman gets his calcium.

Christopher Reeve used to like his milk.

6. This land is yours, son.

Woody Guthrie famously sang This Land Is Your Land. This son is his son...

5. Deliver them from evil.

Extra clue here: they were both wearing name badges. Don't say I don't help you out!

Anyway, these are the guys who famously performed the track below in the movie Deliverance.

4. Best to keep your Crown Jewels safe.

3. Chubby snorer gets shaken awake.

"Chubby snorer" was an anagram... of Bruce Hornsby.

2. Irish light haulage driver.

That'll be Don O'Van.

1. Wonder Woman meets Friendly brother.

Wonder Woman's name is Diana. Ross was the only brother in Friends.

Diana Ross - My Old Piano

And yes, before anyone starts, a piano is a stringed instrument.

I'll be back to string you along with more of this nonsense next Saturday...

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