12. Part Mull Historical Society, part Travis, part Box Tops.
Mull Historical Society, part Travis, part Box Tops.
This means nothing to me.
11. Third new home for Judge Dredd.
Judge Dredd lives in Mega City One. His first new home would be Mega City Two. His second would be Mega City Three. His third would be...
10. Blokes who missed the bus.
9. Chemistry or Biology?
8. They don't look a day over fifty.
7. Finished his job in 6 days, then had a rest.
6. Rude Leo in another crazy outburst.
"Rude Leo" was an anagram...
5. Britten's small oranges.
Benjamin Britten loved his clementines.
4. Like Jones, in the rain.
Oran Juice Jones like walking in The Rain.
3. South African footballers.
2. There's zero reggae at his jumble sale.
"Zero reggae", unjumbled, gives us...
1. The Highlands, by foot.
A nice place to be a walker, if you're a Scot.
Scott Walker - Copenhagen
I had one more on the list, which I didn't use because they appeared here two weeks ago, and because I'm triskaidekaphobic.
More of this nonsense next week.
Thank You Mr Rol.
ReplyDeleteSuggestion for a Mandatory Reggae Capital cross-feature:
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