Tuesday, 3 April 2018

The Hot 100 Countdown #90

I gave up trying to explain why I was never a Gerry Anderson fan years ago (even as a young boy, I couldn't suspend my disbelief that they were just puppets) because too often I saw the tears or rage or regret welling up in the eyes of those for whom Anderson was a god. I get that: if someone tries to tell me why they never liked Spider-Man, I'd probably react in the same way.

I'm not sure I can get my head around your love for the Joe 90 theme tune either. Other Anderson shows had far better tunes, surely? Thunderbirds? Stingray? Even Captain Scarlet's "This is the voice of the Mysterons" - that still manages to send a chill down my spine, even though the show itself left me cold.

Anyway, here it is, to keep you all happy...

Barry Gray - Joe 90 Theme Tune

One thing I do like is that back then, TV shows had proper intros. That's 3 and half minutes before the show even starts! No way would that be allowed in today's attention-span-deficit TV culture. I miss that slower pace.

Charity Chic also pointed out that there's a band called Joe 90, and they're not completely objectionable either.

Anyway, Number 90. So many to choose from, I thought I'd put together a Top Ten...

10. British India - 90 Ways To Lose Your Lover

What the cool kids are listening to these days. (Well, the ones who still dig guitars.)

Great title though!

9. Wolf Alice - 90 Mile Beach

Ditto the above.

Is that an echo?

(Echo... beach... please yourself.)

8. Gwen McRae - 90% of Me is You

Sleazy 70s soul. Dunno how this ended up in my collection (though I have my suspicions) but it does the trick.

7.5. Travis - Tied To The 90s

Moxy Früvous - Stuck In The 90s

Carter USM - The 90s Revival

I'll just sneak these in here and see if anyone notices. 90s songs don't really count, I suppose. Thanks to Rigid Digit for also suggesting...

Robbie Williams - The 90s Song

(Not heard that before, but it reminded me why I always liked Robbie.)

7. Hank Snow - Ninety Miles An Hour (Down A Dead End Street)

The Swede and Lynchie both suggested this. I was only familiar with the Dylan cover, but the original is definitely better.

6. John Cooper-Clarke - Ninety Degrees In My Shades

Another suggestion from The Swede. JCC always welcome round here.

5. Craig Finn - Ninety Bucks

Nobody suggested this, but I didn't really expect anyone to. It's lonely at the Craig Finn fanclub meetings.

4. Danny Woods - 90 Days In The County Jail


4. The National - 90 Mile Water Wall

Great stuff from Sad Songs For Dirty Lovers.

2. George Michael - Freedom 90.

Martin started the bidding with a very strong contender, Taking the title from one of Wham!'s greatest hits and updating it to show what Freedom meant to him now that he was a solo artist, this is an excellent demonstration of the way George matured as a songwriter. Yes, it's a year song, but the 90 meant much more than just "this is when I'm releasing this track".

1. Bow Wow Wow - C30 C60 C90 Go!

Congratulations to C for stealing the points for this one. And no, this won't pop up again at Numbers 60 and 30, because the rule book says no song can appear more than once... and because C90 was by far my cassette of choice. The mix-tape maker's dream!

Which brings us to 89. I think there's pretty much only one choice, but your suggestions are welcome...


  1. Your number means I'm totally set when you reach Numbers 60 and 30 - yay!

  2. I love that Gwen McRae song. Got it on a compilation. Bow Wow Wow and John Cooper Clarke means 90 is totally spoiled for choice.

    1. That's odd. Logged me in not as Swiss Adam in the above comment.

    2. For a second, I thought I had a new reader.

      Your secret is safe with me.

  3. The obvious:
    REM - Pop Song 89

    1. Thank you. I was beginning to think it wasn't obvious at all.

  4. I’m with you on your No. 1. For those of a certain age, this is an anthem. Maxell XLII 90s were my tape of choice.


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