Sunday 30 June 2019

Saturday Snapshots #90 - The Answers

Last Friday Night, Part Of Me wondered if anyone would get this week's Saturday Snapshots clues. Luckily, once the Fireworks kicked off yesterday morning, you made short work of them. Alyson and C were the early risers (Alyson even drafted in her London hosts to help) with two points each. Lynchie beat them by half a point, Charity Chic got another two and Chris was brave enough to admit to remembering Deep Blue Something. In the end, nobody guessed the song from #1, but that was probably my fault for not pointing out in the comments that nobody had got it. There were certainly plenty of guesses. Hopefully the explanation below will suffice.

Here are the answers. Bon Appetit!

10. Philosophical doctors don't disappoint.

A Doctor of Philosophy is a PhD.

PhD - I Won't Let You Down

9. Sindy & Barbie remain over 18 metres.

Sindy & Barbie are dolls.

18 metres is approximately 60 feet.

Remain = Stay.

60 Ft Dolls - Stay

8. Standing on one leg whilst fixating on the second person.

Flamingos stand on one leg.

You is the second person.

The Flamingos - I Only Have Eyes For You

7. Tim Booth gets canonized: I knew that was going to happen.

Tim Booth is in James.

Saints have halos.

Heard this in the hairdressers the other day. Probably not listened to it for 30 years.

Halo James - Could Have Told You So

6. In the navy, it's non-specific: Audrey.

Navy is a deep shade of blue.

Something is non-specific.

Audrey Hepburn was in Breakfast At Tiffany's.

Deep Blue Something - Breakfast At Tiffany's

5. Tokyouth. How leg joints get around town.

Leg joints get around town in a knee car, of course.

Cultural stereotyping at its (shudder) best. She's Scottish, you know.

Aneka - Japanese Boy

4. What should I wear to play football? Will it warm me up or cool me down?

This Is The Kit - Hotter Colder

3. Choose your station.

2. A new Glynn joins short Henry... but doubts his methods.

"A new Glynn joins" is an anagram.

Hank is short for Henry.

1. Silky tube finds doctor enamoured with tabloid.

The Tube is another lane for the London Underground.

(Doctor) Who loves The Sun. He's obviously not a Scouser.

More next Saturday. Roar!

And while I'm here... Happy Birthday, Mum! 91 today and still as kind and funny as ever.

1 comment:

  1. I was trying to think of famous Audrey's and that got me the point

    Of this batch, particularly enjoyed The Selecter


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