Tuesday, 28 November 2023

Namesakes #61: Goodies Vs. Baddies

When we're watching a film, we all like to root for the Goodies. Too many times in the real world, the Baddies win... I guess that's how you can tell the difference between fiction and reality.

Here are some musical Goodies & Baddies. I was going to split this between two posts, but life just seemed too short...


60's girl band who recorded in the same studio as The Shangri-Las and even did the original demo of Leader of the Pack... although the internet claims their version was deemed "too filthy", so their rivals were given the hit instead. Dum Dum Ditty is another song by Phil Spector rival George 'Shadow' Morton, and some reckon it's a Spector parody. 


Swedish rock baddies from 1984 who only appear to have released one single... but here are both sides for your listening delectation.


Tim Brooke-Taylor, Graeme Garden and Bill Oddie made their names in the 70s as TV comedy troupe, The Goodies. They also crashed into the pop charts, most notably with this Number 4 hit in 1975, The Funky Gibbon. 

I was a little bit young to really get the Goodies, but I did like it when they were chased by the giant Dougal. The three Goodies went on to successful careers in comedy, birdwatching, and inspiring uncategorisable nonsense such as this...

Raised By Owls - Bill Oddie Is Our No.1 Fan

Watching this video back now, I was taken by Graeme Garden's rather embarrassed performance... until I remembered he always had that look on his face.


Australian punks who like to shout Oy! This may have been acceptable behaviour in 1977, but by 2001 it was just a clichĂ©. 


Over in Denmark, meanwhile, the Goodies sounded like this in the 70s. Here they are taking A Trip Across The Lake...


Way, way back in the ancient time of 2009 (14 years ago, in case you were thinking it was yesterday), arrived on the scene from Southend. Presumably they're all now banged up in Wormwood Scrubs.


Our next Goodies came from Athens, Georgia in 1997, when they released one album called Greatest Hits... which clearly wasn't a Greatest Hits. Although I suppose it was, since it was as "great" as their "hits" ever got. That record doesn't appear to exist on the interweb, anyway. Luckily, I found their 2004 compilation album called Live! Of course it isn't a live album. It's actually closer to a Greatest Hits. Despite all this confusion, I feel these Goodies require further investigation... perhaps because they seem to have a rather eclectic sound (i.e. they're all over the place from one track to the next).


Norwegian indie pop ladies from right now. Apparently their lyrics are explicit, but they're in Norwegian, so you should be OK.


From New York City, here are some Goodies from 2015. Only two tracks available at the campsite of bands, but they do appear to be still in the go, with a gig at Schimanski, Brooklyn on the 22nd of December if you're in the neighbourhood.

There are more Goodies than Baddies... unlike in the real world... but who are the winners? Does good triumph over bad? You decide.


  1. Baddies #2 is juvenile nonsense. I quite liked it. (I'm not listening to Goodies #2). I liked the funky ending of Goodies #3. I suffered the entirety of Goodies #4 despite it disturbing a sleeping cat (who was less annoyed than I at hearing that 5 minutes worth of dross). Those smurf.sounding norwegians (badddies #4) made a very annoying record). So, it's Goodies #1 for me.


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