Monday 26 October 2020

Positive Songs For Negative Times #31: One Way


Very few students are attending college in person, with most lessons still online. Most staff are also working from home, except those with good reason to be in the building. From Monday to Wednesday (thank god, for my sanity!) that includes me.

I therefore have to navigate the one way system that has now been imposed in the main college building. Enter by one door, leave by another. Follow the arrows to the small classroom I've adopted as an office (most rooms are not in use for teaching and there are restrictions on how many people are allowed in the staff room) then stay in there for the majority of the day, alone, talking to colleagues (even those in the building) mostly through Teams.

If I do leave my room to get a coffee (from inside the building, we're not allowed out "except for a healthy walk"... like we have time!) or to go to the loo, I must put my mask back on and follow the one way system all the way. Getting to the loo is easy -  it's two doors down the corridor. Getting back involves walking all the way round the length of the building in a huge circle. Woe betide anyone who goes against the arrows: one of my colleagues is on disciplinary for doing just that. 

As usual, I record this not to moan or pass judgement... merely for posterity. I know why college has taken these measures and why it is being so harsh in enforcing them. But these are the things we'll forget. And we shouldn't.

Clearly there was only one song to play today...


  1. God, it all sounds crazy if I read it with my pre-Covid brain engaged. But I'm glad you're recording all this, it will (oh I hope, hope, hope) become little more than a surreal yet distant memory one day...

    As for the song, it uplifts me every time.

  2. I have to Zoom into college tomorrow morning and it's Presentation Day which is going to be a real challenge for many of us I'm sure. Let's hope the technology holds up although our lecturer in in Orkney and if it's windy the internet goes down!

    Glad you're able to go into your college. None of us do or are allowed to. Ironically I got really stressed last year when Mr WIAA gave up his college job but as it turns out he wouldn't have had it any more anyway!

    Anyway, just keep on doing what your doing and keep your sanity. And yes, I'm glad too you're recording all the madness and hope it won't be too long before it becomes a memory (but not holding my breath).


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