Sunday 18 October 2020

Saturday Snapshots #159 - The Answers


We currently live in the Badlands.

The Heart of Darkness.

Because the Apocalypse is happening right Now.

And while we wait - and pray - for a leader with the integrity of Jed Bartlett... all we can do in the meantime is enjoy the answers to this week's Saturday Snapshots.

10. Hello, green eyes & rosacea noses.

Green eyes = jealousy.

A big red drinker's nose is known as a Gin Blossom.

9. Jim, a British soldier, rejects a runaway... and loses two Euros from his money.

A British soldier was a Tommy.

Jim is James.

Shun Del, who sang Runaway.

Take the E from money, twice...

8. Woman found in Queen's wireless... it's a wicked affair!

Queen sang Radio Gaga. D'oh.

There are days I think this song was the last great pop song. A sure sign I'm getting old.

7. Berny Joe offers romantic flying lessons.

"Berny Joe offers" is an anagram.

6. La petite mort? Bet there will be lots of wrong answers here... 

Climax making you blue?

Such a great groove on that.

5. Mighty, like an Inuit, but self-sufficient... idiotic article.

The Mighty Quinn was an Eskimo. (Some debate about whether that term should be considered offensive these days, though the consensus appears no.)

Self-sufficient is independent.

Idiotic article = stupid thing.

One of JC's favourites.

4. Stabbed by spider's silk... ends up behind bars.

Want to see that suit in colour, George? Check out the video!

3. Scared of girls with fins, tiny robber? 

Fear... Gal... Shark... 

A great solo tune from the former Undertone... just a shame he made it his mantra once he went to the Dark Side and became a bullshit record exec interested only in persecuting harmless music fans.

2. Sam cornily considers your ego.

"Sam cornily" is an anagram.

I bet you think this song is about you - don't you?

1. Summer nights shampoo... like Mr. Benn.

Adam & Joe famously upset Mr. Grumpy by making fun of his name in a Wella-wella-huh! Tell me more, tell me more... stylee. The shampoo speaks for itself.

Mr. Benn was always changing into different outfits that led to adventures.

More Snapshots next Saturday. Be Sheen you then.

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