Friday 11 October 2024

Listening Post #8: Science Fiction

The HMV Sale used to be a source of great excitement at Top Ten Towers, but I guess I'm talking 20, maybe even thirty years ago... and these days, if they do have a sale on, it's usually a sham, a travesty, a mockery of its former self.

Still, a few months back I stumbled into an HMV sale and while perusing the ONE SHELF of MILDY REDUCED CDs, I came across 24 Songs by The Wedding Present. It's hard to keep up with everything David Gedge puts out these days, and while I remember him releasing a few of these songs a couple of years back, I didn't know he'd compiled them onto a nice double CD. For once then, I came away happy from an HMV Sale... although it was hardly the same as the days when I'd walk out of the store laden down with a bag full of goodies.

Science Fiction is one of those songs I'm surprised Gedge didn't write years ago. He is a closet comic book / sci fi fan, so this must have been easy work for him. It's a typically Weddoes love-lorn tale of a hapless hero who tries to distract himself from the depression of being dumped by drowning his woes in sci fi. I've probably been there...

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