Monday 14 October 2024

Listening Post #9: Purple Rain (not that one!)

Like many people, I tried to take a photo of last week's Northern Lights display... though all I really got on film was Steve. Bloody Steve, hogging the twilight...

The Pernice Brothers released their 9th studio album earlier this year, and it's a real slow burn grower. Favourite tracks so far include December In Her Eyes, the Neko Case duet I Don't Need That Anymore, and the title track, Who Will You Believe?

However, it's the epic closing track which I've become most obsessed with over the past few weeks, despite its titular similarity to an equally epic Prince tune...

Joe Pernice's Purple Rain is a completely different proposition, differentiated by the addition of the definite article... which almost seems cheeky, under the circumstances. As I say, they're both epic tunes... but hats off to Joe for making his epic clock in at just over 3 minutes (unlike Prince's, which doesn't give you much change from 10). And he still manages to throw in a brass band and full choir along the way...

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