Monday 8 June 2020

Positive Songs For Negative Times #21: Back To School

Sam goes back to school today, and I'm really not sure how I feel about that. Only three year groups are returning to junior school before the summer - reception, Year 1 and Year 6. Sam's in Year 1, which his school has divided into smaller pods (maximum 15 children in each). The teachers will then try to keep the children socially distanced within each pod, while preventing them from mixing with any of the other pods.

Here's an idea of what else he has in store.

Sounds fun for everybody, doesn't it?

Some parents haven chosen to keep their kids at home, so there will be less than 15 kids in Sam's pod, but he will get to interact with his friends again for the first time in almost three months.

We could have kept him off too, but frankly, Louise and I are exhausted with trying to juggle our own jobs and home-schooling , and we do feel he needs to be around people his own age again, play (as much as he's allowed) with his friends, and spend time with other 6 year olds... rather than two cranky 40-somethings.

But none of that stops me feeling anxious, and guilty, and scared. Then again, those emotions have been constant companions for the duration of the lockdown, so I guess I'm used to them by now.


  1. I'm glad we don't have to make such a decision. I'm not sure why Year 1 has to return so soon; I understand the year 6, but for that to work properly they also need to be doing taster sessions in secondary and I don't think that's happening, so really there's no point in Year 6 returning now. I'm sure the fireplace salesman has it all worked out, though.

  2. I think it's to do with socialisation. Arguably though, Year 2 would have been better going back, as they're supposed to be doing SATs. (Not that I agree with SATs in the first place for 7 year olds.)

  3. Given the proposed hybrid models childcare is going to be a nightmare if and when parents return to work

  4. I feel for you but as with everything connected to this crisis there is a balance and in your particular situation I can see that the right thing is for Sam to go back to school. Tough call though. As with the health/economy balance the govt has to juggle, there is no optimum solution, just the least worst!


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