Monday 9 November 2020

Positive Songs For Negative Times #32: Loser!


Apparently this van's been driving past the White House all weekend. (Not that The Donald will have seen it: he's been on the golf course.)

Search "Loser" on Twitter, and Donald Trump is the top account you'll see.

And then there's this...

Amid all this gloating, I'm just waiting for the Trumpton Riots...

Unemployment’s rising in the Chigley end of town
And it’s spreading like pneumonia
Doesn’t look like going down
There’s trouble at the fire station someone’s had the sack
And the lads are going to launch a scheme get rid of Captain Flack

Tell PC McGarry to get himself a mate
And arm themselves with CS gas
They’re gonna be out late
We’ve had Cant conformism since 1966
And now subversion’s in the air in the shape of flying bricks

Someone get a message through to Captain Snort
That they’d better start assembling the boys from the fort
And keep Mrs Honeyman right out of sight
‘Cos there’s gonna be a riot down in Trumpton tonight


  1. Thank you for bringing a smile to my face this dreich November Monday morning. Hope you & yours are well.

  2. Excellent - and a positive song for a (well, at least it's one...) positive time today.

  3. Cassetteboy didn't waste too much time getting that one out.
    I think it was about 10 or 15 minutes after I'd read that Biden was considered President-elect, that Facebook and Twitter started carrying it big time.
    Der Spigel quickly nailed their colours to the mast with this cover - a reprisal of their cover from 4 years ago,277,x8,y0&height=698&width=1200


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