Sunday 1 November 2020

Saturday Snapshots #161 - The Answers

The masks are off and the songs are revealed!

10. SOS! No jest! Infatuated with a lad!

"SOS! No jest!" was an anagram.

9. Who let him out? He can't even remember his own identity!

Who let the Dogg out?

8. Pervy haircut? It'll all be OK the day after tomorrow.

"Call the cops!" was an extra clue from Shaun Ryder.

It'll all be happy on Monday.

Still got one of the best opening lines of any pop song ever.

7. Offspring of red-breasted piper tunes through the static to get a clearer signal. 

Tom, Tom was a piper's son... but also a Robin-son.

6. Young men & women move very fast.

So fast, they're a Blur. Let's face it, that mask doesn't really disguise Damon's identity at all.

5. Remorse found in meme.

"In meme" is a very simple anagram. Somebody else who might as well not have been wearing a mask.

Still my favourite Eminem song, and the single is so much more fun than the album version.

4. Lou eying Mike - ends up dizzy.

"Lou eying Mike" is another anagram. I'm probably overdoing those at the moment.

3. Good & cheerful... but the cure doesn't work. 

Bon & jovial... but the medicine is bad.

2. Explosion in city vermin, hates #8.

That's Saint Bob under the mask.

#8 was the Happy Mondays.

1. Thumbs up & fingers crossed.

Sir Thumbs Aloft!

No more masks next Saturday, but plenty more Snapshots.

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