Saturday 21 September 2024

Saturday Snapshots #362

Still in your dressing gown, Denzel? Well, it is Saturday morning. Thank you for getting up in time for Snapshots though...

Here are ten popular musicians. How are their songs connected?

10. What the last ugly duckling in the alphabet became.

9. Stop listening to that George Michael album!

8. Telling Goldman Sachs to "get stuffed" (but not quite so polite).

7. Not to be confused with a monkey.

6. Girls magazine: Ight, Ine, En...

5. Embarrassed monarch. 

4. Found down the back of a Boise Armchair.

3. Good for your urinary tract.

2. Spock joins the Chicken Company. (Not Joni!)

1. Found aboard a river vessel. 

Answers tomorrow morning... though I'm sure you'll get them first.


  1. 8 Super Furry Animals
    3. The Cranberries

    1. Not the Super Furries, though it does look like them.

  2. 9 Faith No More?
    5 King Crimson

  3. Is 7 David Bowie? Looks a bit like him. Maybe walking against the wind in his early mime period

  4. 10 Zwan (recognised Billy Corgan)

  5. No good at the snapshots any more but I'll have a guess at the link - Is it birds?

    1. Sorry if the pics are getting harder to identify or more obscure, but otherwise this quiz would just be the same old faces every week and it'd be guessed in 30 seconds. Thanks for still playing along anyway, Alyson

    2. Point taken. It's sometimes over in 10 minutes as it is!

  6. Not sure what the short way of saying this is but is it forms of the written word (including but wider than poetry)? For example sonnet, ode, epitaph, lyric.

    1. I think they all come under or can be (not exclusively) types of poetry... but I'm only a pretend English teacher. I've been bluffing it for years among the real English teachers.

      Well done, anyway.

    2. Well done Ernie. I had come up with that link so chuffed with myself anyway, despite being 10 minutes too late!

    3. As you should be. To paraphrase another eminent Saturday blog feature, we can both enjoy a Saturday Chuffle

  7. Was wondering why Ernie and I had 21 against our names until I realised it was the date!

  8. Well done! Only got The Cranberries 🙄


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