Sunday 22 September 2024

Snapshots #362: A Top Ten Songs Named After Different Styles Of Poetry

Shall I compare thee to a summer's day? No? Fair enough.

Shall I give you the answers to yesterday's Snapshots instead? Here are ten types of poetry, immortalised in song...

10. What the last ugly duckling in the alphabet became.

Billy Corgan's other band is...

Zwan - Lyric

9. Stop listening to that George Michael album!

Faith!? No more!

Faith No More - Epic

8. Telling Goldman Sachs to "get stuffed" (but not quite so polite).


The Fugs - The National Haiku Contest

7. Not to be confused with a monkey.

Or even a Monkee. To avoid confusion, he changed his name from David Jones...

David Bowie - Eight Line Poem

6. Girls magazine: Ight, Ine, En...

Jackie was the magazine. The next number in that sequence would be Leven.

Jackie Leven - Elegy For Johnny Cash

5. Embarrassed monarch. 

King Crimson - Epitaph

4. Found down the back of a Boise Armchair.

"Boise Armchair" was an anagram for Jon Bon Jovi's (former?) best mate...

Richie Sambora - Ballad Of Youth

3. Good for your urinary tract.

Cranberries - Ode To My Family

2. Spock joins the Chicken Company. (Not Joni!)

Leonard Cohen - Villanelle For Our Time

1. Found aboard a river vessel. 

A river vessel. 

The Verve - Sonnet

If you can keep your head when all about you are losing theirs and blaming it on you, then join me again next Saturday for more Snapshots.


  1. Highbrow stuff this week Rol.
    You missed a trick by not having a picture of Alison Limerick!

    1. A proper English teacher would not indulge in doggerel like that. Maybe something more sophisticated like 'Concrete and Clay' by Until 4+2?

    2. PS Just to clarify, I did not mean to imply that Rol is not a proper English teacher. Of course he is. He claims not to be but that is clearly nonsense. I was attempting to explain why there were no references to limericks. Insert the words "like Rol" after "teacher" and that hopefully clarifies my meaning.

    3. No, your first inference would be the correct one to take. Compared to most of the English teachers I work with in my current job, I'm a charlatan.

    4. With the greatest respect, all the available evidence suggests you are being unduly modest.


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