Friday 6 September 2024

Mid-Life Crisis Songs #113: Daddy's Speeding

"I am not a blogger - I am a free man!"

I must apologise for being largely absent from the blogosphere over the summer, beyond Snapshots and Namesakes. I've been busy, and even now that I'm back in the normal routine, I'm not sure I have the energy. Bit of an existential blogging crisis. We have them from time to time, don't we? 

Last week, we were in Wales, where I received my first speeding ticket in 34 years of driving. This was for going 26 mph in a 20 zone that appeared out of nowhere (the road went from 60mph to 20mph on a country lane with no buildings or pedestrians, just fields on either side of the road). It seems that the Welsh police are out to raise as much money as possible from unsuspecting incomers... but I'm not sure what this will do to the tourism economy. I doubt I'll be speeding to get back there any time soon. 

Did have a nice visit to Portmeirion though...  

Normal service may or may not be resumed, but in the meantime, here's a few songs about speed...

Suede - Daddy's Speeding

Alabama 3 - Speed of the Sound of Loneliness

Bran Van 3000 - Speed

V2 - Speed Freak

Autograph - Built For Speed

Jason Isbell - Speed Trap Town


  1. Got to love Portmeirion. And Lebowski t-shirts! As for the 20mph speed limit, and knowing your love of cyclists, I can add that some cycle events in Wales have had to be rerouted to avoid 20mph zones... wouldn't want cyclists getting speeding tickets, after all.

    1. I saw that. I can't understand why they don't just turn the cameras off if there's a race on.

    2. Well spotted on the T-shirt too.

  2. Blogging crisis? I have it of course from time to time. So take your time and don't worry. A great selection as well and maybe the next one will include songs with 'slow'.

    1. Thanks, Walter - I do need to slow down!

  3. Argh, bad luck with the speeding ticket but the pic of you in Portmeirion is brillliant. As for existential blogging crises... the rather shocking fact that you're on your 113th Midlife Crisiis Songs instalment serves as a reminder of just how deserving you are of the chance to slow down a little! As someone who seems to have lost the ability to connect the words I want to write in my head to the actual letters on my keyboard (not physically, but certainly mentally) I very much empathise. As Walter says, yes - take your time and don't worry.


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