Saturday, 1 February 2025

Saturday Snapshots #381

Let's be Frank - I don't make this quiz easy, do I?

In fact, I go out of my way to make it as tricky as I can... otherwise, you guys have worked out the answer in about 30 seconds flat.

Let's see how long it takes you this week to identify the assorted miscreants below and find a link between their songs... but be careful: I will only accept a precise answer this week. No wider generalisations!  

12. Soon became atheists.

11. Mates with David Hamilton.

10. Rodney: not a plonker.

9. Frank & Jesse. (One song from each.)

8. Compasses point them out.

7. How Superman gets his calcium.

6. This land is yours, son.

5. Deliver them from evil.

4. Best to keep your Crown Jewels safe.

3. Chubby snorer gets shaken awake.

2. Irish light haulage driver.

1. Wonder Woman meets Friendly brother.

The answers will Zappa onto a screen near you this time tomorrow morning...

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