Monday 10 April 2023

Celebrity Jukebox #81: Jane Russell

Sometimes I avoid the bigger names on this feature because I reckon there will be hundred of songs about them and it'll take me all week. Jane Russell is one of the names I've been steering clear of for a while now. I mean, she was such a huge sex symbol, surely she'll have inspired plenty of songwriters to shuffle off a namecheck or two? 

I was surprised then, and a little disappointed, that Jane didn't crop up more than she did. Before we get onto today's offerings though, let's hear from the lady herself...

Andrew Coady gets points for mentioning plenty of famous actresses in this song... part of me wonders if he wrote it just so I'd have to feature him here repeatedly?

Do I sound prejudicial because I can’t look at you and not be nonplussed?
Do I sound superficial because I can’t ignore your Jane Russell bust?

Here's 12 and a half minutes of Roger Waters, surely enough to make most people's blood run cold... though I can't really argue with his sentiment...

America, America, please hear us when we call
You got hip-hop, be-bop, hustle and bustle
You got Atticus Finch
You got Jane Russell
You got freedom of speech
You got great beaches, wildernesses and malls
Don't let the might, the Christian right, fuck it all up
For you and the rest of the world

Here's a song about murder and bra sizes...

Now I tell you why
I was stopped for a speeding ticket
I was so embarrassed
I was a happy homeworker in my sheltered world
All the shame forced me to kill and join the other girls
Jane Russell and Marilyn will greet me
Won't mistreat me!

Pussy Tourette was a 90s drag queen with a penchant for opera. 'Nuff said.

He speaks of Jane Russell
And how he loves The Hustle
Talks like Liberace
Walks like Wilma Flintstone

If you thought Pussy Tourette would win the best bandname of the day... think again. Here's Pig With The Face Of A Boy...

Now hark and you'll hear of my latest collection:
I'm fetching all food chains who've ever been Texan
My favourite toenail is now more like a claw
It's handy for stabbing the bugs on the floor
I take a great interest in Jane Russell's breasts
As her nipples count 1 – 2 – 3 – 4

After that, we need a bit of class. So here's some classy licks from Pat Burton...

Followed by some weird instrumental noodling...

The best I can come up with today is some "Irish Skronky Tonk" from Oh Boland...

Oh, sweet Jane... you deserved better.


  1. Again, I’m wondering how many people under 50 will have heard of her. Howard Hughes was apparently responsible for inventing Jane’s bra for that scene at the top. In today’s world her bust not that remarkable but back then she was definitely known for her assets as these lyrics confirm.

    What a cracking set of band names.


    PS Happy Easter

    1. Thank you, Alyson. I should feature Howard Hughes here one day, but I'm betting it would be quite a long list.


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