Wednesday 9 February 2022

Memory Mixtape #12: Buttercups

These are my favourite photos from my early childhood. There I am, running through the buttercups in the field at the back of the small farm I grew up on. That's my sister in the top photo, showing me which way to go. My mum has the camera. These are earlier than my memories stretch back, but I'm guessing I hadn't been walking long, and you can see the sense of joyous freedom on my face as I charge across that field.  

The big pile of rocks at the top of the first photo is probably the one I fell on when I was a little older, cutting my wrist open on a broken bottle, requiring stitches I can still see today. Less than a centimetre from the main artery. I do remember that day, possibly one of my earliest memories. A tea-towel wrapped tight around my wrist as my mum drove me to A&E.

"You didn't cry," Mum tells me, "until they stuck a needle in your bottom at the hospital. Then you howled."


  1. Without wishing to embarrass you I have to say you're a right cutie!
    Very glad to know that broken bottle wasn't any nearer than it was. Nasty.
    And I love 'Build Me Up Buttercup' which would also be on a Memory Mixtape of mine as it was one of a bunch of singles in the family record collection when I was growing up, and still sounds so evocative. By the way, if you haven't heard it it's worth checking out its trippy psychy jazzy B-side 'New Direction'.

    1. It was all down-hill from there, C.

      Very taken with New Direction (there's some serious compression going on!), but it couldn't be more different to Buttercup!

  2. Very cute indeed (and fair hair there I see). I do love a summer field of buttercups. And, there was a perfect song.


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