Friday 25 February 2022

The United Kingdom of Song #40: Caledonia

Not a single location today, but the whole of Scotland... or Caledonia, as the Roman Empire referred to it, and those with a romantic soul might still know it today. Written by Dougie MacLean, the version I know best is the one by Frankie Miller, originally recorded for a Tennent's advert. 

As an Englishman, I have very little national pride, and if a similar song were written about my own home country, I doubt I'd feel the same... but Caledonia makes me feel patriotic for a country that isn't even mine. Does that make sense? I'm not sure it does to me...


  1. You have so many Scottish visitors to your blog, I think we’d be happy to adopt you as an honorary Scot. Hope to see you up here some day.

    1. Thank you, Alyson. I hope to have the opportunity.


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